Our support and wellbeing service for patients with a life-limiting illness
Complementary Therapies – to help relieve symptoms
CHAT – discuss your experiences with like-minded people
Living well with dementia – support for people living with dementia and their carers
I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the sessions, but the week focused on exercise stood out for me. It helped me realise that I can still do the things I love, which felt like re-discovering parts of myself. Overall, I would describe the programme as empowering.
A patient at The Orangery
Complementary Therapies to help relieve symptoms
Complementary therapies such as reflexology, aromatherapy, massage and visualisation are provided by qualified therapists at The Orangery. Anyone referred to our support and wellbeing service will have their needs assessed for these therapies. They are designed to help manage symptoms such as pain, anxiety and fatigue.
CHAT discuss your experiences with like-minded people
CHAT is a weekly support programme running in the morning and afternoon, which encourages people living with a life-limiting illness to meet others and develop self-help techniques. These techniques are designed to help people cope with symptoms including breathlessness, fatigue, sleep problems and anxiety – whether these conditions are current or anticipated. Each week focuses on a different topic, such as – “Time to Talk”, “Craft Corner”, “Guided Relaxation” and “Practical Self Care” – to develop a self-care toolkit for all conditions. Patients are also offered support to consider advance care planning in a safe and caring environment.
Living well with dementia and planning for the future support for people living with dementia and their carers
Our specialist team are here to support people living with dementia and their carers. Across six sessions, we will provide tools and advice to help you live as well as possible and think about what is important to you in the future. Starting July 2024.
Meet the team
Our small friendly team offer specialist care and one-to-one support to patients. (l-r) Diane Gledhill-Cragg, complementary therapy and wellbeing lead; Chris Black, complementary therapy and wellbeing therapist; and Dawn Jenkinson, wellbeing support worker. (Physiotherapist Heike Fraser also contributes to our programmes of support.)
Click here to download our leaflet and find out more information about The Orangery
Refer a patient to The Orangery
The Orangery – formerly known as the hospice’s day therapy service – is a referral-only service. Referrals may be made by GPs, community nursing teams, hospital or community palliative care teams or other health and social care professionals directly involved in a patient’s care. Please see our full Referral Criteria and use the referral form below
Who can access The Orangery?
Anyone with a life-limiting illness, registered with a Barnsley GP and over the age of 18 is eligible to access Barnsley Hospice’s The Orangery. Referrals must be made by a health service professional involved in a patient’s care. Our service is not just for patients with cancer, but for people with any life-limiting condition including heart and lung or neurological diseases.
How can I be referred to The Orangery?
The Orangery – formerly known as our day therapy service – is a referral-only service. Referrals may be made by your GP, community nursing team, hospital/community palliative care team or another health care professional directly involved in your care. Please talk to them if you are interested in being referred. See our referral page for more information.
Is there a drop-in service at The Orangery?
You must be referred to the service by a health professional, and a package of care and support will be organised with you. Please talk to your GP or palliative care team if you are interested in accessing these services.
Can carers and family access The Orangery?
Yes, friends and family can be referred for parts of the support and wellbeing service. For more information, please call 01226 244 244 and ask to speak to a member of The Orangery team.